Sunday 29 April 2012

Kidzpod Review

Fed up of the usual lunchboxes I seem to keep buying at enormous expense -(the ones with soft padded sides, meant to insulate the contents, the ones which stink shortly after purchase due to remnants of fromage frais seeping inbetween the stitching and into the padding) - I started to look for an alternative and came upon Kidzpods.

Now I am a bit of a sucker for this type of business - one which seems to have started out of a desire to create something better than what is currently available, starting very often in the kitchen of the inventor/innovator.  The lunchboxes sounded perfect for what I wanted.  They were made from rigid plastic, no padded insulation, therefore were easily cleanable, they had anti-bacterial technology (not sure what that is), they looked great and the pictures on the front could be changed to reflect whatever the child was into at the time. You receive one picture of your choice with the Kidzpod from a range offered.  I chose a bright red pod with a picture of a football for the front.

When it arrived I was delighted, although I didn't feel the picture at the front was very securely held.  The thin piece of clear plastic used to cover the picture and to keep it in place, fitted into a very tiny 'lip' and didn't seem very secure at all.
The first day back at school after the Easter Holidays and I could hardly wait to do the lunches.  The Kidzpod also comes with a waterbottle which fits at the bottom of the Pod.  There isn't room for lots  of things inside the Pod but I managed to fit what I wanted into it.  It has a fold away carrying handle and it is comfortable to carry.  We had to have a few practices at opening and closing it as it is a bit tricky for little hands, but all in all I think we were both quite pleased with it.  Pleased that is, until hometime.  My son informed me that the picture constantly falls out and the Pod leaks if there is anything liquid inside it- for example left over fromage frais.

He has continued to use it but without the picture on the front which is a pity. At £14.99 it was quite pricey and there are other rigid plastic boxes out there that are easier to open, just as easy to clean and have pictures printed onto them for much less. The poor design of one of the Unique Selling Points (ie the interchangeable picture on the front) and the fixing of it renders it pointless, and that's a real pity as I wanted to love Kidzpod, but I don't.


  1. Hi Their

    Your picture is falling out because you haven't replaced the cover properly as per the instructions. Please get in touch and I will gladly send you replacement images and run through the procedure to ensure the cover will not fall out!

    1. Thank you for this. I thought I had followed the instructions but I will certainly have another go. I still have the images so I don't need replacements but thank you for the offer.

  2. I have several Kidzpods and think it is a fantastic product - we have changed the picture lots of times and the plastic cover has never fallen off. And it definitly doesn't leak. What did the manufacturer say? We have had nothing but fantastic service from them? JB

  3. Thanks for taking the time to comment. I am going to persevere with the Kidzpod, and have another go with the picture. Mine does leak but maybe I have just been unlucky, I hope so as I really, really want to love my Kidzpod.
    On another note - I love your profile, a woman after my own heart, so many of the things you list are on my list too, including a move to be near the sea - in France not Devon though as I need warmth! Look forward to reading your posts.


Thanks for reading, I look forward to reading your comments